Published: Mon, 08/09/21
"Don't Hide Behind Your Staff by Stevie Ray Earlier this year, my wife and I needed to replace our dual wall oven because the old one decided to run…
Published: Thu, 07/15/21
When to Use Your Voice Instead of Your Thumb by Stevie Ray First published nationally in the Business Journal Newspapers, July 2021 The Silent…
Published: Wed, 06/16/21
We Will Laugh About This Someday by Stevie Ray First published in the Business Journal Newspapers, June 2021 As in-person meetings have begun to…
Published: Tue, 05/11/21
The Cost of Doing Business by Stevie Ray Now that the pandemic is turning a corner, the big question is whether employees should return to in-person…
Published: Wed, 04/21/21
Religion: The Unspoken Word in Business by Stevie Ray As first published in the Business Journal Newspapers April 2021 Much of the recent research…
Published: Mon, 03/15/21
Want Loyalty? Educate the Customer. I have been a loyal customer of a few businesses over the years, and it is not because they charge less for their…
Published: Thu, 01/21/21
Who is in Control? Right now, in America and across the world, every business leader has one thing on their mind, “How can I keep my staff focused and…
Published: Tue, 12/29/20
The Mortgage, the Noodles, and the Airline by Stevie Ray As first published in the Business Journal Newspapers “I am so sorry. We have been e…
Published: Tue, 10/06/20
A House Divided by Stevie Ray First published in the Business Journal Newspapers “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I wonder what Abraham…
Published: Tue, 09/01/20
Be Creative, Debate by Stevie Ray First published in the Business Journal Newspapers Now that the pandemic is settling in for a longer run than e…