Published: Sat, 01/12/13
Improvising BusinessbyStevie Ray If You Take Care of the Small Things...January 12, 2013 If you take care of the small things, the big things will…
Published: Mon, 12/17/12
Improvising BusinessbyStevie Ray Don't Just Label Your Brand, Practice ItDecember 14, 2012 If you are reading this, then you either made it…
Published: Thu, 11/08/12
Improvising BusinessbyStevie Ray Be Driven By Data, Not AssumptionsNovember 8, 2012 After the ground-breaking book Good to Great made the rounds,…
Published: Fri, 10/19/12
Connect: Improvising Businessby Stevie Ray This Job Is a JokeOctober 19, 2012 My ego has been taking a hit lately. As I prepare to work with a client…
Published: Fri, 09/21/12
Improvising BusinessbyStevie Ray Are You an Artisan or an Artist?September 19, 2012 A long time ago I asked my friend Lee what it was like having to…
Published: Wed, 08/15/12
Improvising Businessby Stevie Ray Never Applaud for the Other Side of the AisleAugust 15, 2012 Mitt Romney picked a running mate and Obama and Biden…
Published: Tue, 07/10/12
Improvising BusinessbyStevie Ray Compromise Means Never Giving InJuly 10, 2012 I was talking to a client the other day as we planned a workshop for…
Published: Wed, 06/13/12
Improvising BusinessbyStevie Ray Want to De-Stress Your Customer? Remove the Une pectedJune 12, 2012 Tuesday was not a good day. I was driving to a…
Published: Wed, 05/16/12
Improvising BusinessbyStevie Ray This Doesn't "Happen all the time" To the CustomerMay 15, 2012 My wife and I were at the airport the other day…
Published: Wed, 03/14/12
Improvising Business by Stevie Ray Brainstorming:Continuing the Flow of Ideas March 12, 2012 To improve the brainstorm process in your organization,…