Stevie Ray's February 2017 Business Journal column: "When All You Have is Your Voice"

Published: Mon, 02/13/17 Contact Us via E-Mail Phone: 952-500-9230
February, 2017
When All You Have is Your Voice

In the pecking order of communication, face-to-face will always reign supreme, because the evaluation centers of the brain are treated to all the subtle signals they need in order to judge whether the other person can be trusted. Next in line is voice-to-voice, with text bringing up the rear (which is suited to serve the brain’s needs only slightly better than semaphore (if you are younger than 50, Google it).

Face to face meetings are a treat for the brain, but nearly impossible when your offices are spread across the universe. So how do you ensure a good outcome when all you have is your voice? Let me offer some tips. These tips are based on research that has discovered that the brain takes a great many cues about how to think from how the body is moving.     |     Have a Comment or Question?     |     Phone: 952-500-9230