Stevie Ray's January Column-The More You Give

Published: Mon, 01/13/14

Improvising Business


Stevie Ray

The More You Give, The More You Get


I was reading an inflight magazine recently (yes, I had run out of real things to do) and saw a quote by an executive that reminded me of the one of the oldest business lessons around. A woman was asked for one piece of advice she would offer busy executives. She said, "Be generous with your time. It will always pay you back in spades." I use that sentiment to compare experiences I have had with two different companies in the past month. One was with a tree service. After years of letting the tree in our front yard grow unchecked, my wife and I decided we didn't need flora that reached the stratosphere. Being typical consumers, we got bids from several tree companies. We didn't go with the cheapest one, we went with the one that was responsive to our call, reasonable in their price, and had an air of professionalism.

One of the tree companies used e-mail to provide the bid (it seemed appropriate that a tree service would try to limit the use of paper). For reasons not important, we went with a different company. A couple of the companies called later to ask if we needed their service and, when we declined, that was that. We never heard from them again. The company that used e-mail didn't bother us for future business, they did something smarter. They added us to a list to receive occasional e-mails that include tips on taking care of plants, trees, and gardens. The notices do not promote their services or advertise special deals; they simply provide timely and helpful advice for the home gardener.

The most recent e-mail saved us from making costly mistakes when preparing our garden for winter. I was surprised that not once in any of the e-mails have they promoted something for sale or asked for a referral. Then it dawned on me, of course they are promoting their company, they just are not pushing their company down my throat. They are providing simple value and letting human nature take its course. Because this company has been so generous with their knowledge, not only do I feel guilty for not using this company for our recent tree project, you can bet they will be the first call I make the next time, and the first recommendation I make to friends.

Compare that to another tree service that left a flier in my door promoting a "Fall Special." They would be happy to come out and inspect my tree and make an expert recommendation! When I called, they quote a fee that they charge simply to provide a bid. They explained that they get so many calls, and providing quotes takes so much time, that they have to charge for even providing a bid. I explained to them that I get so many requests from companies who want to sell me their services that I have to charge for my time on the phone with them. They didn't see the humor. They also didn't see my tree, if you know what I mean.

When a friend had some questions about a legal issue, I suggested she call an attorney's office and simply ask if anyone could offer a bit of advice. She was surprise. "Won't they want to charge me for the advice, or for the call?" she asked. I said, "Sure, there are some lawyers who track every second of every billable second, but most are quite generous in giving quick advice over the phone; as long as it is not too complicated and doesn't take too much time away from their work." I told her I can remember the law offices who have been generous with their time and help, as well as those who don't have the time of day for that kind of thing. The ones that give of their time are making more money.

Companies have the right to charge for services, but once a customer gets the feeling that you are nickel-and-diming them to death, they lose all trust in you. Once that happens, they don't fully believe your recommendations, and will question every move you make on their behalf. When the executive said, "Be generous with your time," she wasn't saying you will be able to track the impact on your business dollar for dollar. She was relying on a practice that has been proven for generations, the more you give, the more you will receive. Think of some way that you can take what has been given to you and pass it on to someone else. It not only pays off in the long run, it is just the right thing to do.


Stevie Ray is a nationally recognized corporate speaker and trainer, helping companies improve communication skills, customer service, leadership, and team management.  He can be reached at or

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